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Tuesday, June 17, 2008 

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

When you think about starting an online business, the first thought that will come to your mind is selling various products.

The business of selling products on the web is a very big business, and just about every marketer have realized this and introduced their websites into the internet, to sell something. With the entry of e-commerce into the web, this has become much easier. Just about anyone can do it.

But,the point is, not everyone is successful. Some of them have little (short term) profit, some experience no profit, and a small percentage of marketers have huge (long term) profit.

In this article, I shall discuss 2 main issues (and these 2 are quite important issues) that every marketer should seriously consider before starting to sell online.

Issue #1::

Should I sell Internet Marketing Products, or should I sell any other niche products excluding Internet Marketing products?

This is the question that puzzles every new marketer. They hear that internet marketing niche is a broad and saturated niche, so small business owners or individual marketers would not succeed in this niche.

Now let us consider a little scenario. Suppose one day you heard a knock on your door and when you opened it you saw a salesman approaching you with 3 or 4 types of leather items. The company from where he came is not familiar to you. In fact you have never heard the name of the company before. Among the items you like a certain type of shoe. You wore it and walked with it with extreme comfort. Also the color and look of the shoe attracted you. You were so fascinated by the shoe that you instantly pay the salesman for its price.

Now suppose there are many shops dealing with leather items in your city. Leather items is indeed a broad market.. there are leather shoes, leather bags, leather suitcase.. in fact many items can be produced from leather.

Now let me ask you this.

Since leather industry is a broad market, does that mean that a small leather-item shop owner would not succeed?

Certainly a wrong decision !

Why ? Because there will always be hot demand for leather products. Shoes, bags etc are essential commodities in everyones life. So if the small shop owner know how to market it, he is definitely going to get sales.

When the salesman, from that small shop, came to you, he knew that if you liked the shoe, you would have bought it.

How he guessed that? How can he be so sure that you were going to buy it?

Here are some thought that would have come to his mind, while he thought "you" as a potential customer:

1) Leather shoe was an essential commodity in your life.

2) You might have thought of buying a leather shoe before, but due to lack of time, you could not do it.

3) You might not have any idea where to get a good leather shoe at cheap rate.

So there were every chance of you buying the leather shoe from him.

Alternately, in case if you had not bought from him, he could have easily sold it to any other person for the same reasons.

And the one main and BIG reason behind him being so confident of the sale is:


Internet marketing, likewise, is a hot and hungry niche (although it is a broad niche). It has been hot since late 90's. It is also a huge market.

Online business will come and go. But the people marketing internet marketing tools and services will continue to make money as long as there is internet. Everyday, a lot of people are entering to start a business online. And they will need internet marketing tools and services for their progress.

So in my opinion, it will not be improper for you if you consider internet marketing as your main niche market.

Issue #2:

There are many people selling the same internet marketing products that I wish to sell. Then how can I compete with them and start selling my products successfully?

Good Question.

Here again we go to the previous "leather-items" example.

The small leather-items shop owner, who was not getting much

sale, knew that he was competing with hundreds of other renowned shop owners in his city. He knew that his items were good, but people were not willing to come to his shop because his company was not so much well known.

So he had to employ some tactics to make his items, as well as the name of his company familiar to people. He employed a door to door salesman for that purpose, and after some days he noticed a good increase in his sales as well as new customers entering his shop.

Similarly, while you are prepared to sell your internet marketing products, first make sure that your products are good (there is demand for those products). Then you should make every attempt your name and your site well known to visitors.

You must employ some tactics to get traffic to your site and

then get the visitors well caught in your sales message. The point here, is of course, to stay focussed. If you can focus on what you are doing (i.e configuring a good looking sales page plus building good amount of traffic to your page), without being overwhelmed by what your competitors are doing, you are obvious to succeed.

Shouvik Mazumder, online for sometime and involved in selling internet marketing products. Visit my site Best Ebooks and Softwares.

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