Tuesday, June 17, 2008 

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Here is a short list of common terms with my version of their definitions and in their hierarchical structure.

Online (or Web Site) Marketing: I think a case can be made that online marketing and website marketing are two different functions, but only slightly. However with the advent of pay-per-call it will be entirely possible to market your online without even having a website. Not sure if that would be advantageous or not, but possible. I place a distinction here between online marketing and search engine marketing because the functions of online marketing , while including search engine marketing, may bypass the search engines altogether.

Examples: email marketing, link buying, renting or exchanging (when done for exposure, not search engine relevance), online ad placement, website design, usability, conversions, etc.

> Search Engine Marketing: SEM is the primary subset of online marketing and focuses its marketing efforts primarily to gain additional web-site exposure via the search engines.

Examples: SEO, Pay-per-click, press release distribution, link building (all forms), keyword research, traffic analysis, etc.

> > Search Engine Optimization: SEO is the act of manipulating a websites on and off-page factors causing the search engines to recognize the site as relevant for specific keyword phrases. The primary function of search engine optimization is get a website ranked, drawing new traffic to the website. What happens once they get there is, by the strictest definition (and one employed by most SEO companies) is not under the purview of the SEO company. Usability and conversions are both functions higher up the chain.

Examples: code and text optimization, keyword research, link building, ranking reports, etc.

Many of the jobs that need to be performed can cross each into other categories. For example, keyword research is the function of SEO and SEM, same with link building. It is important, however, to recognize the distinctions in each of these categories. While everything an SEO does is considered a function of online marketing, if you hire an SEO or purchase an SEO only service, dont expect to receive search engine marketing or online marketing service with that. And if you do want those services included, be ready to pay substantially more for the service.

Stoney deGeyter is president of Pole Position Marketing (http://www.PolePositionMarketing.com), a search optimization marketing firm providing SEO and website marketing services since 1998. Stoney is also a part-time instructor at Truckee Meadows Community College, as well as a moderator in the Small Business Ideas Forum. He is the author of his E-Marketing Performance eBook and contributes daily to the E-Marketing Performance marketing blog. (ea)


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is the perfect content-based marketing solution if you want to popularize your website and gain steady traffic without spending a single cent. Yes, it is free and yet, very effective. This is the reason why it is the most used marketing tool in the internet today.

If you would like to breakthrough with article marketing, these 4 responsive steps will effectively help you out in reaching that goal:

1. Register on all major article submission sites. While you are at it, make sure that you read their terms of service to lessen or eliminate the chances of your articles being rejected online. Also, take advantage of their author's page and fill it with exciting information about yourself that could potentially help you build rapport with your readers. Post your most friendly-looking picture, your expertise, your desire to help, your hobbies, and your interest. Remember that although you need to market yourself as an expert on your chosen niche, you also have to make it personal so your potential readers can easily relate with you.

2. Check your resource box. Make sure that all the URLs and hyperlinks on your resource box are working as designed otherwise, all your article marketing efforts will just go down the drain. To make sure that your hyperlinks are okay, use the preview feature of submission sites before you post your articles.

3. Make your articles easy to understand. Never assume what your readers know and use offbeat acronyms and terms that are rather difficult to understand. To easily get your message across, stick with simple terms and short sentences.

4. Manually proofread your articles. Never put your credibility and professionalism at stake by taking the time to manually review your articles to eliminate run-on sentences, grammar errors, awkward phrases, and inconsistency in tenses or subject-verb agreement.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

I get asked all the time what's the best way to generate leads and recruit people into my business on a shoestring budget, so today we're going to review the three most powerful ways to do just that.

1. Funded Proposal:

The best way to increase your probability of success in your business is to turn your little budget into a much larger one while generating leads and a profit in the process. If you don't have much money to promote your business then the first thing you should think about is how to make your budget larger, not how to get by solely on free traffic.


Free traffic is great, but to win in the end you want to have the ability to generate traffic from as many different places as possible and well, most high yield advertising does cost money, so it's a reality to understand and overcome, not try to maneuver around.

A funded proposal gives you the opportunity to generate leads and have those leads pay for themselves through the sale of the products in your marketing system.

So the most important strategy is to think about how you can afford to pay more for advertising instead of trying to do everything free and using a funded proposal system is by far the most powerful way to do this.

2. Article Marketing:

After returning from an extremely informative seminar this weekend the power of article marketing has been reinforced in my mind in a big way. I personally have written some 350 plus articles that has lead to over 80,000 references to my name in Google. That's powerful.

This past weekend I listened to the strategies of an article marketing specialist and this method alone had yielded him over $12,000 a month all via free traffic.

If those two things aren't proof enough that article marketing is powerful then I don't know what is.

It's free, it's viral, and produces the highest converting leads of all traffic sources I've tracked, so I suggest you use this strategy and use it in a big way.

An article a day keeps the J.O.B. away!

3. Blogging:

This one may surprise you, but blogging is not only a powerful tool to use in your prospecting efforts, but it's a highly targeted free traffic generator as well.

In fact I was extremely surprised to see that one of my blogs that I use solely for prospecting and as a meeting place for my team after checking my server stats to this day generats over 2000 unique visitors a month and all I do is write stuff and add it to the blog.

Don't expect blogging to bring you big traffic today or tomorrow, but six months down the line when you have over 100 post or so on your blog mark my words the search engines are going to be sending you some significant traffic just for you having put that content out there.

That's proof enough for me.

So that's it.

The last thing to say is this, don't think about using just one of these methods use them all together and you'll soon not only have high quality targeted free traffic and leads coming your way, but you'll find you have an ever growing marketing budget to go along with it.

Now all that's left do is get to work!

Daegan Smith is an Expert MLM Lead Generator. "Learn
How To Make $10,717 In Less Than a Week While Quickly And
Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization Without
EVER Buying a Single Lead?"
==> http://www.internetmlmsuccess.com
==> Internet Network Marketing Expert Blog


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

When you think about starting an online business, the first thought that will come to your mind is selling various products.

The business of selling products on the web is a very big business, and just about every marketer have realized this and introduced their websites into the internet, to sell something. With the entry of e-commerce into the web, this has become much easier. Just about anyone can do it.

But,the point is, not everyone is successful. Some of them have little (short term) profit, some experience no profit, and a small percentage of marketers have huge (long term) profit.

In this article, I shall discuss 2 main issues (and these 2 are quite important issues) that every marketer should seriously consider before starting to sell online.

Issue #1::

Should I sell Internet Marketing Products, or should I sell any other niche products excluding Internet Marketing products?

This is the question that puzzles every new marketer. They hear that internet marketing niche is a broad and saturated niche, so small business owners or individual marketers would not succeed in this niche.

Now let us consider a little scenario. Suppose one day you heard a knock on your door and when you opened it you saw a salesman approaching you with 3 or 4 types of leather items. The company from where he came is not familiar to you. In fact you have never heard the name of the company before. Among the items you like a certain type of shoe. You wore it and walked with it with extreme comfort. Also the color and look of the shoe attracted you. You were so fascinated by the shoe that you instantly pay the salesman for its price.

Now suppose there are many shops dealing with leather items in your city. Leather items is indeed a broad market.. there are leather shoes, leather bags, leather suitcase.. in fact many items can be produced from leather.

Now let me ask you this.

Since leather industry is a broad market, does that mean that a small leather-item shop owner would not succeed?

Certainly a wrong decision !

Why ? Because there will always be hot demand for leather products. Shoes, bags etc are essential commodities in everyones life. So if the small shop owner know how to market it, he is definitely going to get sales.

When the salesman, from that small shop, came to you, he knew that if you liked the shoe, you would have bought it.

How he guessed that? How can he be so sure that you were going to buy it?

Here are some thought that would have come to his mind, while he thought "you" as a potential customer:

1) Leather shoe was an essential commodity in your life.

2) You might have thought of buying a leather shoe before, but due to lack of time, you could not do it.

3) You might not have any idea where to get a good leather shoe at cheap rate.

So there were every chance of you buying the leather shoe from him.

Alternately, in case if you had not bought from him, he could have easily sold it to any other person for the same reasons.

And the one main and BIG reason behind him being so confident of the sale is:


Internet marketing, likewise, is a hot and hungry niche (although it is a broad niche). It has been hot since late 90's. It is also a huge market.

Online business will come and go. But the people marketing internet marketing tools and services will continue to make money as long as there is internet. Everyday, a lot of people are entering to start a business online. And they will need internet marketing tools and services for their progress.

So in my opinion, it will not be improper for you if you consider internet marketing as your main niche market.

Issue #2:

There are many people selling the same internet marketing products that I wish to sell. Then how can I compete with them and start selling my products successfully?

Good Question.

Here again we go to the previous "leather-items" example.

The small leather-items shop owner, who was not getting much

sale, knew that he was competing with hundreds of other renowned shop owners in his city. He knew that his items were good, but people were not willing to come to his shop because his company was not so much well known.

So he had to employ some tactics to make his items, as well as the name of his company familiar to people. He employed a door to door salesman for that purpose, and after some days he noticed a good increase in his sales as well as new customers entering his shop.

Similarly, while you are prepared to sell your internet marketing products, first make sure that your products are good (there is demand for those products). Then you should make every attempt your name and your site well known to visitors.

You must employ some tactics to get traffic to your site and

then get the visitors well caught in your sales message. The point here, is of course, to stay focussed. If you can focus on what you are doing (i.e configuring a good looking sales page plus building good amount of traffic to your page), without being overwhelmed by what your competitors are doing, you are obvious to succeed.

Shouvik Mazumder, online for sometime and involved in selling internet marketing products. Visit my site Best Ebooks and Softwares.

Also get Internet Marketing Related Information from my newsletter


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Webmasters know that a quality web directory is a valuable way for website owners to gain trusted links and targeted traffic to their websites. Typically a quality web directory will require a fee for reviewing the website that is submitted and there are also other web directories that will allow for free submissions. The thing to know is that links carry a different value and it is far more important to gain links from trusted, authority web directories.

When you choose to submit for review and possible inclusion to a quality web directory you gain more than just another link if you are accepted. Links from trusted sites such as web directories of quality are given more weight by search engines and one such link can be the equivalent of hundreds and in some cases thousands of lesser quality links. When you choose an established and trusted web directory to submit your website to it can do wonders for your website.

When it comes to trusted web directories you should know that there are very few free ones. DMOZ is an example of one, but after submitting there it may take months or even years for your site to be reviewed and you will never hear back if it is declined. Free directories rely on volunteers for editing and have no funds for promotion so there is not much in the way of service.

Quality web directories that charge review fees will typically offer more trusted, authority links. Anyone can submit sites to a free directory, but that is not the case for paid directories which is one of the reasons there is more trust associated with a link from these sites. Visitors to a paid directory searching for sites know that those listed there are serious about their services because they are willing to pay a fee to have their site reviewed for a listing.

Trusted links also originate from web directories that are popular so you should also consider submitting there. With a popular site you know that there is trust derived from the traffic and search engines and the sites listed there will benefit.

Earning links that are trusted from quality web directories is a good way to increase your sites internet exposure and gain traffic. The more quality that the directory displays, the more trusted the link they offer which will result in better search engine standings for your website.

When you submit your website you should take a minute to write a good description of your website that is about 250 characters in length. Then take a moment to determine which title to use for your link. Don't spam either of these with excessive keyword usage our it could cause delays in getting it processed.

If you follow these suggestions your directory submission campaign should be a smashing success that allows you to gain increases in your website traffic and conversions. Think for the long term as link building is an ongoing process throughout the life of your website and is never truly complete.

The Authority Web Directory is a vital resource in every online-marketing campaign. Begin your link building effort here by visiting our Submit URL page.

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