Sunday, June 22, 2008 

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Every article writer has the ability to create an ebook in less than one day. Many people think they can't write a book. This is totally wrong. In fact, I am going to show you how you, too, can create your own Internet publishing empire.

In fact, with this method, you can quickly and easily create a physical book that you can sell at, or a simple ebook that you sell on the web.

I advise you to write both. First, start with your ebook, and then expand and publish this book to get even more leads into your marketing funnel.

How do you do it?

Whenever you write an article, put in mind that this is an article from your ebook. Once you have seven articles on a topic of your choice, you need to create a free report.

I like to create these short reports because you can use them as viral marketing tools are just send them to your subscribers as gift. This will enhance the relation with your subscribers because when you give a gift to someone, something magical happens.

As an example, I recently wrote: "7 Deadly Affiliate Marketing Mistakes". If you are in the "speed reading" niche, you can write: "7 Deadly Speed Reading Mistakes". Nothing complicated.

Whenever I see a title like this, I am curious because I want to know if what I am doing is right. And many people will get your ebook, believe me.

So be sure to write your articles with the end in mind. Your fist article could be:

1. An introduction to speed reading.

Then the second would be:

2. The first blunder for beginners trying to speed read.

See how it's easy?

All you need to do is write those articles like you are already doing. With this simple twist, you will have be able to create several ebooks and free reports within months, plus an ebook ready to be published at Amazon.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

One of the top problems webmasters face is getting into the search engines quick and ranking well. The reason is that they over complicate things and thus even risked being delisted from the search engines because of these complicated, blackhat methods.

The main component of good Search Engine Optimization is to gain quality backlinks.

Here is a quick and easy way, which you can accomplish in one hour, to allow you to appear in Google's search engine quickly:

Step One
Create a blog at all these places -,,,,,

Step Two
Post some useful content on all these pages, then post one link back to your site.

Step Three
Ping all these blogs at these places -,,

Step Four
Watch your site appear in Google's rankings in as little as one week!

Step Five
Post to your blogs once every two or three weeks to give it fresh content that the search engines will love.

This system is a surefire way to get listed quickly. You are leveraging on the high Pagerank (the algorithm which Google uses to judge sites) of those blog sites and getting backlinks to your site, which are the key to getting ranked well on search engines. Each backlink acts as a sort of vote to your site. If you take a look at's Alexa ranking, it is one of the top-ranked sites in the world. Instead of waiting months to get listed, do it in one week!

Fabian Tan is an established Netpreneur who has created many online businesses. Read his review of the popular SEO Elite software at his SEO Elite Review Site


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Look around and you will see that one of the most popular internet marketing models being taught is the create a product and sell it. In its simplest form, this business model says find a niche, find a problem in that niche, create a solution for that problem and sell that solution. While this is a good way to make decent money online, it has one big drawback.

What's the drawback, you ask? It's the fact that you only get paid once for your effort.

You took the effort to do market research and product creation. Next you went through a cycle of finding a prospect and persuading the prospect and getting them to open their wallets. Kudos to you. It takes a lot of time and effort to do that.

But here is the thing - they only paid you once. Just once! If you want to make more money from this product you have to repeat the prospect finding cycle and the converting prospect to customer cycle.

You create a list you say? That's great. But you still have to convince them each time you want them to buy from you.

So your list building cycle now goes as follows:

  • Find prospect
  • Persuade prospect to become a subscriber to your list
  • Persuade subscriber to buy your product
  • Maintain high quality relationship with subscriber
  • Keep persuading subscriber to buy your future products

Do you see how much time and effort you have to spend to get the same prospect to buy from you over and over again? And after all that work you will always have subscribers who will never buy from you.

Now what if you added a simple twist to this model. You work once and persuade the prospect to spend money with you month after month. How do you do that? By creating a product where they have to pay you every month to get more information. Yes, you got it - by creating a membership program.

Your membership program cycle goes like this:

  • Find prospect
  • Persuade prospect to become subscriber to your list (optional)
  • Persuade prospect to join your membership program

This is a great way to get recurring income. What this means is that you do the marketing work once and you have money coming in for many months in the future. You spend time and effort on one prospect only once and you have them opening their wallets for many months. Doesn't this sound way better than having to persuade your prospect every time you create a new product? So go out there and create your very own membership program.

Creating a membership program is not hard. There is a very simple easy way. You do not need any scripts, any forums or too much technical know how.

Click here to discover a simple easy way to create membership programs

Business Building Ideas


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Did you know that one article can bring you as much as 100 highly targeted visitors? It takes you less than thirty minutes to write a well written and informative article. If you deliver the good, the reader is going to click on your resource box and see what you have to offer.

Some of my most best articles have more than one hundreds click and hundreds of views. But these statistics don't include all the publishers who downloaded my articles.

And what if an ezine publisher with thousands of subscribers like your article and send it to his list with your well crafted resource box?

I am sure this could bring your sales your way.

But if you wrote an article that doesn't make sense, nobody is going to send it to his list. And what do you think about readers who stumble about your article?

This poor surfer was searching for information. He was searching for a real expert he can rely on, and instead, he found a couple of "bizarre" sentences that didn't give him a single benefit.

Do you think he is going to click on your link in the resource box? He won't! Because he knows that this article wasn't written by an expert. Why should he bother?

The reader needs help, he want to solve a problem or relive a pain. If you give him even more troubles and make him lose his valuable time, he is never going to make business with you after that... unless he is forced to do so because there is no competitors.

But this is not the case today, so take your time and write a good article.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

I use the articles to drive traffic to my squeeze-page and then that squeeze-page will help me to opt people in to my website.

A squeeze-page is a webpage that has as its primary and only purpose, the opting-in of visitors into your email--opt-in email list.

And at the bottom of that article you have a link that says--you know, if you want to know more about this click here. And, it takes them to your squeeze-page which is nothing more than a sign-up for my newsletter.

For me a squeeze-page should not have any other outgoing links on it. I find that if there's even one more link on a squeeze-page that the conversion rate drops drastically. So a squeeze-page is more than just a website with an opt-in for a newsletter. It's more of a sales page that is selling the opt-in-today-and-you'll-be-able-to-download-this-free-e-book. Or, opt in today and I'll buy the free e-course for you. Now I think it's just one step farther than an opt-in to a subscriber list.

When you write your own article--and someone clicks through from your article, they have developed some level of connection with you. They like you, or they wouldn't click though. So they click though. They get to the squeeze-page. Again, you've written that squeeze-page--you're just making that connection stronger.

Once they get into that email campaign, I write my emails, I continue to make that connection stronger. And once I have a strong connection, I can make recommendations to my list members of products they need. And it is win-win for both of us. They get the help they need, and I make a living giving it to them.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

A great way to have new quality content on your site is to add a blog. The content will also get highly ranked in search engines. If you use Blogger, Google platform then each blog post has the opportunity to rank on page one as I shall explain.

Search engines will fall in love with your site if you put a blog on your domain and add new content regularly. Remember to blog and ping after posting using one of the several pinging services. This will rush the search engine spiders to your blog.

Step ONE

Host your blog on your domain name. Add quality posts, which are not too long or too short. Your posts should not be plain articles. Write as if talking with your visitors. Research popular sites like Yahoo Answers, forums, article directories and similar sites to grab ideas. You may find several articles related to your site. Grab the best tips from each article and put them together to form a new blog post.

You can find videos from sites like metacafe, youtube, google video, videojug and put them on your new post, then add some written content. Do not put just a video. Search engines want written content. You can translate the video into written words as well.

If you use yahoo answers, you can find questions that have many answers and re write the question and put the answers as well. Do not just copy everything. Grab the best answers and then see if you can find some article as well related to the question to grab other tips and tricks. You can use popular article directories like ezinearticles, goarticles, isnare and many more.

Whatever your niche is, find a forum with lots of members and participate to get ideas about what to write about. You can create a blog post about any hot topic in the forum. Use the question and forum replies to construct a blog post.

Step TWO

First thing you need to do is research keywords if you want your blog posts to rank page one on Google. Find keywords that have less than million searches in a month. It does not matter if they get just 5 visitors a day. Remember that you can post unlimited number of blog posts.

Then put that keyword in the blog title, beginning and end of post. Put it in bold as well. To ensure your posts get ranked on page one of Google your blog must have some pagerank. So get one way links and reciprocal links to increase its pagerank. If blog has page rank zero or less than three blog posts will not get ranked very quickly.

Make sure that you have a section on your blog sidebar that displays your previous posts. That will enable spiders to find all your blog posts and be able to index them. Remember that you can outsource this task of researching keywords and posting on your blog. That way you get more things done. You can then focus on getting more links and so improve pagerank.

A blog is a great way to add new content on your site. It is also a great way to get new customers. Make the design of your blog just like your homepage, so they look identical. Visitors to your blog will know it is a complete site and can visit your homepage and other links not just remain on your blog.

The old fashion of writing content was to add articles to your site by creating a new page specifically for articles. However the articles usually do not rank anywhere not even if you add meta tags for each one and use keyword density. Blogger, Google platform ranks each blog post very fast and there is no need to do any meta tags for each post or work out keyword density. Put a blog on your domain and add content. Search engines will reward you for that.

Karl Sultana shows you how to do search engine optimization on your site for free.

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