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Sunday, June 22, 2008 

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

A great way to have new quality content on your site is to add a blog. The content will also get highly ranked in search engines. If you use Blogger, Google platform then each blog post has the opportunity to rank on page one as I shall explain.

Search engines will fall in love with your site if you put a blog on your domain and add new content regularly. Remember to blog and ping after posting using one of the several pinging services. This will rush the search engine spiders to your blog.

Step ONE

Host your blog on your domain name. Add quality posts, which are not too long or too short. Your posts should not be plain articles. Write as if talking with your visitors. Research popular sites like Yahoo Answers, forums, article directories and similar sites to grab ideas. You may find several articles related to your site. Grab the best tips from each article and put them together to form a new blog post.

You can find videos from sites like metacafe, youtube, google video, videojug and put them on your new post, then add some written content. Do not put just a video. Search engines want written content. You can translate the video into written words as well.

If you use yahoo answers, you can find questions that have many answers and re write the question and put the answers as well. Do not just copy everything. Grab the best answers and then see if you can find some article as well related to the question to grab other tips and tricks. You can use popular article directories like ezinearticles, goarticles, isnare and many more.

Whatever your niche is, find a forum with lots of members and participate to get ideas about what to write about. You can create a blog post about any hot topic in the forum. Use the question and forum replies to construct a blog post.

Step TWO

First thing you need to do is research keywords if you want your blog posts to rank page one on Google. Find keywords that have less than million searches in a month. It does not matter if they get just 5 visitors a day. Remember that you can post unlimited number of blog posts.

Then put that keyword in the blog title, beginning and end of post. Put it in bold as well. To ensure your posts get ranked on page one of Google your blog must have some pagerank. So get one way links and reciprocal links to increase its pagerank. If blog has page rank zero or less than three blog posts will not get ranked very quickly.

Make sure that you have a section on your blog sidebar that displays your previous posts. That will enable spiders to find all your blog posts and be able to index them. Remember that you can outsource this task of researching keywords and posting on your blog. That way you get more things done. You can then focus on getting more links and so improve pagerank.

A blog is a great way to add new content on your site. It is also a great way to get new customers. Make the design of your blog just like your homepage, so they look identical. Visitors to your blog will know it is a complete site and can visit your homepage and other links not just remain on your blog.

The old fashion of writing content was to add articles to your site by creating a new page specifically for articles. However the articles usually do not rank anywhere not even if you add meta tags for each one and use keyword density. Blogger, Google platform ranks each blog post very fast and there is no need to do any meta tags for each post or work out keyword density. Put a blog on your domain and add content. Search engines will reward you for that.

Karl Sultana shows you how to do search engine optimization on your site for free.

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