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Friday, July 4, 2008 

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Why should you join in on the latest way to increase traffic to your website? Because when you need between 500 and 1000 visitors to your site to convert a sale, you need to use every marketing strategy you can. Persuasive, yet informational articles about the types of products or services that you provide can be the call to action that brings the potential buyer to your site. And here is why:

  1. Articles provide information that may convince the potential buyer to purchase a certain type of product or service. For example, they may be considering purchasing a food processor, but arent really sure that that is the item they need, so they put food processor in the search line. Up comes your article that talks about the benefits of a food processor. Perhaps you compare it to a blender or a chopper or a mixer, and your article persuades them that a processor is what they want. Now you have someone who is going to buy.
  2. Articles can help with the decision process. Well use the same example of the food processor. You have convinced the potential buyer that they want a food processor, but now which one? An article that reviews different brands may help that customer narrow their search.
  3. High caliber articles may be picked up by other websites with the same product and service, providing you with increased exposure and one way links back to your site. When your article is featured on another site it is like a recommendation. Links from another site to yours add value to your site by the search engines.
  4. Article submission sites are fast becoming sources of information for searchers on the Internet, and well-written, original, and informational articles are getting placed on the first page by search engines.
  5. Submitting articles is a way of getting fresh traffic to your site. When you develop a habit of writing new and fresh material about your product or service on a regular basis, you increase the opportunity for potential buyers to click through to your site.
Article writing has become one of the newest and most effective way to increase traffic to your website. Search engines place value on quality articles, increasing the ranking of your website. Why not take advantage of every tool you have in your toolbox to increase hits to your site and the chance of increasing sales?

So there you have it, a website marketing strategy that can produce amazing results. You can get started now by submitting your articles, press releases, and product reviews at http://www.articlepeddler.com and at http://www.instantarticlemarketing.com to increase your web site traffic with one way links and make more money with your web site.

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