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Tuesday, July 1, 2008 

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

I am sure that by now you must have heard over and over again from most successful internet marketers that you need to build an opt in list to be successful on the internet. However, building an opt in list is easy. All you need to do is send all your traffic to a squeeze page. Make sure that you have a killer headline with some bullets that have compelling reasons to join your newsletter or download a free report.

When I first started building a list getting the subscribers was the easy part. However, when I realized that I actually needed to monetize my list I realized that this was a lot trickier than previously thought.

In this article I would like to go through some common mistakes that I made and will hopefully benefit you in your list building efforts.

1) I immediately started to sell my prospects

When I first started building a list I immediately sent my prospects email offers. However what I soon discovered is that by first having an email course of at least 5 days my prospects were more responsive to my offers later on. This also reduced the unsubscribe rate from my newsletter as I had given value first.

2) Write a killer subject line

I learnt this mistake the very hard way. I was emailing my list and wondered why I was not getting much of a response. I added a html image to my email so that I could track if the image was displayed which meant that the email was opened. By writing blind and interesting subject lines my response rate tripled. If you mention what your email is about then it is unlikely that your subscriber will actually read your email.

3) Include your link a few times to improve the response rate

My first few emails that I wrote I only included the link once right at the bottom. Very few people actually clicked on it. What I found was by having a concise url that is easy to recognize and repeating this link three to five times in my email increased my click through rate significantly. If the subscriber is not actually clicking through to your sales page then it will be very unlikely that you will make any sales.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new ebook.

Secrets To Make Money Online - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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